
January 2022 Updates: More than 10 Features Enhance Your Work

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January 2022 Updates: More than 10 Features Enhance Your Work

Edara has rolled out a series of feature-packed updates in January 2022. These updates aim to enhance the user experience, streamline processes, and provide more flexibility in managing business operations.

Let’s dive into the exciting new features introduced this month.

Display Customer Mobile Number on Work Order Report

Edara now makes communication more efficient by introducing a new column on the work order page that displays the customer’s mobile number.

This enhancement facilitates quick and easy contact with customers directly from the work order report.

January Updates 2022 - Work order second party mobile

Show Sales Report with VAT

For increased transparency and accuracy, Edara now allows the display of VAT values and sales inclusive of VAT in sales reports.

This addition ensures that sales data, inclusive of VAT, is clear and accurate.

January Updates 2022 - Sales with VAT

Set New Maximum Pagination Limit on Transactions Page

Users can now customize their view on the transactions page within the ETA center. The update allows displaying up to 200 sales orders on a single page, with additional options for 50 and 100 items per page.

January Updates 2022 - Pagination Limit

Facilitate Transition between Documents

Edara introduces a one-click access feature from the transactions page to swiftly transition between documents on Edara and the ETA portal.

Users can conveniently access their e-invoice documents via an arrow icon next to the document code, choosing to view it on Edara or the ETA portal.

January Updates 2022 - Document link in the ETA

Manage SKU Field on Stock Item Master Page

Enhance control over SKU information by determining its requirements, uniqueness, and display options on the stock item master data page.

January Updates 2022 - SKU

Search for a stock item by Part of the Serial Number

Efficiency is key, and Edara recognizes this by allowing users to search for a stock item using part of its serial number, and you can activate this option according to your needs.

January Updates 2022 - Search by part of serial

Add Sales Volume to Customer Sales Report

Gain valuable insights into customer behavior with the addition of sales volume information to each customer’s sales report.

This enhancement provides a comprehensive view of customer performance.

January Updates 2022 - Sales volume in sales report by customer

Display Stock Item Reference Price on the Warehouse Stocks Report

The warehouse stocks page now includes a new column for the reference price, which you can display in the report to improve accuracy and prevent predicted mistakes when adding prices.

January Updates 2022 - Referance price

Display Customer Phone Number in SO Print

Customer communication becomes more accessible as Edara now displays customer phone numbers on the Sales Order print.

January Updates 2022 - Customer phone

Show Customer Name in The NR Cashing Window

Large businesses with complex financial transactions will find relief with the addition of a new column displaying customer names on the NR cashing window. This enhancement simplifies the identification of multiple customers related to one account.

January Updates 2022 - Customer name in NR cashing

Enable Return of Sales Order that Contains Service Only

Edara users can now seamlessly create return documents for sales orders exclusively involving services, providing more flexibility in handling diverse sales scenarios.

January Updates 2022 - Return service item

Enhance Customer Address Addition Interface

Recognizing the importance of detailed and organized customer data, Edara has enhanced the interface for adding customer addresses.

The new update offers a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for entering business-related details.

January Updates 2022 - Customer address enhancements


Edara’s January 2022 updates reflect its commitment to user-centric enhancements, offering a suite of features designed to elevate the user experience, streamline processes, and provide greater control and flexibility in managing business operations.

Stay tuned for more innovations as Edara continues to evolve and meet the dynamic needs of its users.

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