
June 2022 Updates: Customer-Centric Enhancements in Edara

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June 2022 Updates: Customer-Centric Enhancements in Edara

In our never-stopping quest for improvement, “Edara” introduces monthly updates to enhance user experiences and streamline operations.

Join us as we explore the latest advancements in the June 2022 updates, witnessing how “Edara” continues to redefine the landscape of cloud ERP systems for optimized success.

Customer Page Enhancements

The customer data page has received a makeover with the inclusion of four new columns. Users can now access the creation date and last modification date, as well as the details of the users who created and edited customer profiles.

June Updates 2022 - New columns at the customer data page

Stock Items Bulk Edit Enhancements

Similar enhancements have been made to the stock item bulk edit page, providing valuable insights into the history of modifications.

June Updates 2022 - New columns at the stock item bulk edit page

Improved Customer Import Template

Edara simplifies the customer import process with additional columns in the import template. Users can now import customer default addresses effortlessly, aided by a list of available regions and cities.

This update not only facilitates data entry but also ensures accuracy by providing a summary of the import process.

June Updates 2022 - Import customer address

Transparency in Import Failures

Edara users can now troubleshoot import issues more effectively. The system exposes the reasons behind import failures by exporting the relevant data to an Excel sheet.

This feature equips users with insights into the reasons for unsuccessful imports, enabling swift resolution.

June Updates 2022 - Show failed records

Advanced Promotions Management

Edara’s commitment to enhancing sales processes is evident in the updates on available promotions.

Users can now specify promotions at the sales order and cashier drawer levels, linking them to promo codes for seamless and targeted promotional activities.

June Updates 2022 - Promotions phase 2

Egyptian E-Invoice Updates

Edara introduces crucial updates to its Egyptian E-Invoice capabilities, further solidifying its compliance with local regulations.

Ability to Send a Large Number of Electronic Invoices

In response to user needs, Edara now allows the selection of all pages when dealing with a large number of electronic invoices.

This streamlined feature simplifies the selection process, especially when dealing with multiple pages of documents.

June Updates 2022 - Select all documents in eta center

Send Tax Invoices to Multiple Company Branches

Edara’s integration settings page with the Egyptian Tax Authority receives a significant upgrade. Users can now add more than one branch and link it to a warehouse in the system.

This facilitates the inclusion of data for each branch, ensuring accurate and compliant invoice submissions.

June Updates 2022 - Multi branches in ETA center

Sales Order Reference for Sales Returns

A significant addition to “Edara” is the ability to initiate sales returns using the sales order reference document.

This enhancement provides users with a more seamless and efficient process for managing sales transactions.

June Updates 2022 - Ref.doc search at SR

Customer Email Display in the Search Window

Edara users will now find it easier to locate and communicate with customers. The introduction of a new column in the search window displaying customer email addresses ensures quick access to crucial contact information.

June Updates 2022 - Customer Email at search

In conclusion, Edara’s June 2022 updates showcase a dedication to providing users with a robust and user-friendly ERP experience. From improved data visibility to advanced invoicing features, Edara continues to evolve, meeting the dynamic needs of businesses in an ever-changing landscape.


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