
September 2020 updates: Empowering Efficiency and Transparency with Edara

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September 2020 updates: Empowering Efficiency and Transparency with Edara

In September 2020, Edara rolled out several enhancements aimed at improving efficiency and transparency.

From enhanced visibility into purchase orders to advanced security features and improved reporting capabilities, these updates empower users to take control of their processes and make more informed decisions.

Let’s delve into the details of these exciting new features.

Show Last Item Discount in Purchase Orders

Gain transparency by revealing the exact discount applied to each item in your purchase orders. This new setting allows you to see the amount or percentage of the last discount applied, enabling better understanding and analysis of your procurement process.

September Updates 2020 - Show last item discount in PO

Limit Users’ Access to Sales

Enhance data security and confidentiality by controlling user access to sales information. With this feature, administrators can set date-based restrictions, ensuring that users can only view sales within specified time frames.

This can be applied universally to all users or selectively to designated individuals or teams.

September Updates 2020 - Limit users' access to your sales

Show Sales Order Tag in Print

Improve visibility and tracking of sales orders by including associated tags in printed documents. These tags, utilizing hashtags such as identifiers for salespersons or sources of sales creation, offer valuable insights into sales operations.

Whether printed on regular or small paper formats, these details provide a clear picture of sales activities.

September Updates 2020 - Show more details on your printed receipts

Streamline Your Account Ledger with a New Default Date Range

Gain efficiency in managing your financial records with the introduction of a new default date range in the account ledger.

By setting today’s date as the default, you can streamline your accounting processes and gain quick access to relevant financial information.

Additionally, leverage the convenience of a drop-down calendar to easily adjust date ranges to suit your needs, with the default date updating dynamically based on your last selection.

September Updates 2020 - A new default date range in account ledger

Use New Serial Number Separator

Managing serial numbers when purchasing large and varied quantities can be challenging. To facilitate this, Edara now supports reading various types of separators between serial numbers – comma “,”, slash “/”, and space “ “.

This update simplifies the recording process by allowing users to scan once, with Edara registering each serial number separately, which saves time and reduces the strain on human resources, enhancing overall efficiency.

September Updates 2020 - Apply 2D bar code mode

Add Currency Clarity to Your Sales Approval Page

Facilitate currency clarity in sales transactions with the inclusion of a new “Currency” column on the Sales Approval page. Now, users can easily identify the currency associated with each sales order, providing valuable context for financial transactions.

September Updates 2020 - ''Currency'' a new column in sales approval page

Group Sales Reports by “Warehouse/Classification” Option

Optimize your sales analysis with the new “Warehouse/Classification” grouping option in sales reports. This feature allows you to organize sales data based on item classifications across all warehouses, as well as detailed information for individual warehouses.

Gain deeper insights into inventory movement and sales performance to inform strategic decision-making.

September Updates 2020 - ''Warehouse Classification'' a new grouping option in s

By leveraging these new capabilities, users can optimize their workflows, enhance financial management, and drive overall business success.

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